The 1982 Compton Yearbook = A summary and interpretation of the events of 1981 to supplement Compton's Encyclopedia

Editura F.E. Compton Company
Loc publicare Chicago
An 1982
ISBN 085229395x


    The 1982 Compton Yearbook = A summary and interpretation of the events of 1981 to supplement Compton's Encyclopedia.- Chicago : F.E. Compton Company , 1982.
    ISBN 085229395x


010 __ $a085229395x
035 __ $a089/C63
101 __ $aENG
200 __ $aThe 1982 Compton Yearbook $bCarte tipărită $dA summary and interpretation of the events of 1981 to supplement Compton's Encyclopedia
210 __ $aChicago $cF.E. Compton Company $d1982
215 __ $a510p.
299 __ $aThe 1982 Compton Yearbook = A summary and interpretation of the events of 1981 to supplement Compton's Encyclopedia
675 __ $a089
686 __ $a089
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 199045 / 330095 Secţia Limbi Străine Împrumut Da 089/C63
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
Secţia Limbi Străine Împrumut 1

Disponibile: 1

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