A dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographical; being a compendious account of the lives and writings of 700 British writers from the year 1400 to the present time

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Editura George Redway
Loc publicare London
An 1898
Subiect lingvistică / dicţionar de scriitori englezi di 1400-1897 chat


    A dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographical; being a compendious account of the lives and writings of 700 British writers from the year 1400 to the present time.- London : George Redway , 1898.
    VIp. + 310p..

    1. lingvistică / dicţionar de scriitori englezi di 1400-1897


035 __ $a801.3/S52
101 _0 $aengleză
200 _0 $aA dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographical; being a compendious account of the lives and writings of 700 British writers from the year 1400 to the present time $bCarte tipărită
210 _# $aLondon $cGeorge Redway $d1898
215 __ $aVIp. + 310p.
299 __ $aA dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographical; being a compendious account of the lives and writings of 700 British writers from the year 1400 to the present time
606 __ $alingvistică / dicţionar de scriitori englezi di 1400-1897
675 __ $a801.3
686 __ $a801.3
Barcode/Nr. Inventar Număr/Ediție Localizare Regim resursa Disponibil Cota
1. 177110 / 155815 Fond Documentar Lectură Împrumut la sala de lectură Da 801.3/S52
Gestiune Regim imprumut Ex. Acțiune
Fond Documentar Lectură Împrumut la sala de lectură 1

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